Before I begin, let me define food and security according to the Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary. Food is any substance that is or can be consumed by living organisms especially by eating, in order to sustain life.

While security is the condition of not being threatened, especially physically, psychologically, emotionally or financially.

To scientists, those are layman’s definitions of food and security. Scientifically, there is food security when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preference for an active and healthy life.
Therefore, promoting food security should be a collective responsibility of every citizen of the world because nobody can do without food. However, to achieve surplus food, the challenges enumerated below must be prioritized and tackled.

First is water shortage. There is no gainsaying the fact that 60 per cent of the food we eat comes through agricultural activity. Food crops such as cocoa, rice and cereal, which are agricultural products, need water to yield in large quantity. Today, how many farmers in Northern part of Nigeria, where most of the food we eat come from, have access to irrigation? This is one of the major challenges faced farmers and this must be solved to achieve nutritious food.

Also, for many farmers, it has been a challenge, storing farm produce because of lack of electricity to preserve the food in storage facilities. This problem is a threat to food security. And it is a common problem for farmers in the rural areas, where there is no power supply. Sea food (fishes) and perishables are daily wasted because of lack of power supply. If food security must be feasible, government must provide electricity to the rural areas.

Insecurity is another factor that tends to make food security a mirage. No farmer will go to farm if his security is not guaranteed. This is mostly common in the North, where there is no love lost between farmers and Fulani herdsmen. The government must proffer a lasting solution to the farmer-herdsmen faceoff.
Bad roads, dilapidated infrastructure and rickety vehicles are part of challenges that must be solved if food must be made available all times.
Poverty is the major challenge against food security. Statistics have shown that majority of Nigerians live on an average of $1 per day, which is equivalent to about N160. With that little amount, food security is impossible.

Over population, no doubt, affects availability of food negatively. The world population is increasing at an alarming rate, while a fraction of the population is engaged in food production. There is an inverse variation, which will make it difficult to produce enough food for the bourgeoning population. More people should be encouraged to go to farm for food production. Also, family planning should also be done to avoid unnecessary births.

If all the problems listed above can be addressed, then food security is guaranteed. Places where food security is not feasible, there is bound to be malnutrition. Food security is not all about access to just any type of food; it entails access to food and in its right proportion (balanced diet).
Starvation and death are the end results of food insecurity. An individual who has no access to food for days can starve to death.

There is a saying that one should “pay one’s dietician more than the doctor”. The reason for this is not far-fetched. Most of the diseases and ailments human beings suffer are as a result of what we eat. We need dieticians who can instruct us on nutrients that can be derived from food. Through this, we can prevent some diseases. In other words, when there is access to food in its right proportion, malnutrition diseases such as kwashiorkor, goitre, scurvy and such like can be prevented. Good food makes us to be energetic.

There are things that should be done by the government to boost food security. The government should subsidize or make affordable some good food necessary for body growth. The government should also promulgate Food Security Bill to protect what people consume as food.
In conclusion, since we now understand the challenges of achieving food security and their consequences, we are now able to understand where the rain is beating us. If the measures are put in place, food security would be achieved.


Department of Food Science and Technology,
Abia state University,
 Uturu,  Nigeria.
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About Unknown

Eddy Uwoghiren is a Medical Student at the University of Benin, Benin city, Nigeria. He is a contributor to several prints and web media. He freelances with nine newspapers in Nigeria. Eddy is very passionate about medical journalism. He wants to find out why some communities are more healthy than others, develop skills needed to cover health and medicine anywhere in the world, for any audience , in any medium.
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