EDDYKURRENT’S BLOG is not a one writer thing or a personal
No! It's a community for everyone
medically inclined to contribute.
So, have you got an experience,
advice, information, gist, short story, jokes, etc to share?
Don't hesitate to email us at Eddykurrent2011@yahoo.com or Eddykurrentblog@gmail.com and publish
anything, so long it's medicine or health related.
Cheers, we'll be expecting to read
from you!
Sharing is caring!
Remember, Knowledge Empowers!
Eddy Uwoghiren is a Medical Student at the University of Benin, Benin city, Nigeria.
He is a contributor to several prints and web media. He freelances with nine newspapers in Nigeria. Eddy is very passionate about medical journalism. He wants to find out why some communities are more healthy than others, develop skills needed to cover health and medicine anywhere in the world, for any audience , in any medium.
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