That I will maintain this sacred trust holding myself afar, aloof from wrong, from corrupting, from tempting others to crime.”
The foregoing is an excerpt from an oath attributed to Hippocrates (460BC – 370BC), a philosopher, who is regarded as the father of medicine. Though the oath was not penned down until about a century after his demise; the statement has, however, undergone several modifications, with the emergence of different versions.
Page Seven of the Code of Conduct of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) is coined from the Hippocrates’ oath, which medical professionals refer to as the “Physician’s Oath”. It reads: “I will maintain, by all means in my power, the honour and noble traditions of the Medical (dental) profession.”
Being a doctor comes with honour because the society sees medical practitioners as role models. Those who do not listen to the scripture are ever willing to wait patiently to hear a doctor’s advice to maintain a healthy life. What a noble profession!
However, the behaviour of some doctors nowadays leaves much to be desired. By aiding and abetting several medical blunders, many doctors have violated the oath they took while leaving medical college.
Late last year, security agencies uncovered two baby factories in eastern Nigeria, where pregnant ladies delivered babies for sale in the market. These baby factories hid under the umbrella of maternity, motherless babies home and non-governmental organisations (NGO) with a pledge to rendering humanitarian services.
Ezuma Women and Children Right Protection Initiative, and Ahamefule Maternity and Motherless Babies Home were baby factories operated by 65-year-old medical doctor, James Ezuma, and a woman referred to as “Madam One thousand”. The business of these criminals boomed because they were assisted by doctors, nurses, social workers and civil servants.
A 17-year-old Adaobi Akabueze said she was referred to the centre by a medical doctor when her pregnancy was seven-month old. People could be so heartless to run such shameful business. As a medical doctor Ezuma is supposed to know the pains ladies undergo during childbirth. What could have made Ezuma to thread this inglorious path?
Who approved “Madam One Thousand” a licence to operate a maternity home? When the health officers assisted the victims to deliver their babies, did they not the kind of business they were aiding? Could it be the love of money against the service to humanity for which the medical profession is known?
Worse, these criminals move about in exotic cars, an indication that their satanic business was booming. What is the morality behind selling babies and use the proceeds from it for philanthropy.
I could not imagine how unbearable life would have been for the victims to be camped in a poorly ventilated room and robbed of their priceless gift from God by agents of devil. What those operators of the baby factory have done can best be termed “modern day slavery”.
Section 34 (1) b of the Constitution says: “Every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person and accordingly, no person shall be held in slavery or servitude.” But the victims were held and brainwashed against their wishes to sell their babies. The perpetrators should not be allowed to go free. They should be treated in accordance with the laws to serve as deterrent to those already nursing the ambition to promote the nefarious business.
Could it be unemployment that led the criminals to engage in the bad business? Come on, some Nigerians are surviving despite the widespread poverty in the land. Yet, some religious leaders may say the existence of baby factory business is a sign of the end time. This is a ‘Nigerian mentality’.
We are quick to attribute anything negativity to end time – unemployment, high mortality rate, political instability, Boko Haram insurgency and corruption. Whereas, these are vices that can be tackled if we are ready to change our ways as a people.
The stigmatisation of pregnant ladies out of wedlock is one of the reasons why baby factories thrive. This should be discouraged. The fact that a lady ‘mistakenly’ got pregnant does not make her a failure.
The MDCN, body overseeing medical practice in Nigeria, should not relent in sanitising the system. Proper monitoring should be ensured to purge quacks and criminals from the system and prevent miscreants from invading the revered profession.
We must also collaborate with the professional body to rid the country of this ill. Section 24 (E) of the Constitution states: “It shall be the duty of every citizen to render assistance to appropriate regulatory agencies in the maintenance of law and order.” This is a call for attitudinal change as we cannot keep waiting on government to effect the change we need.
If we fail to arrest the scourge of baby factory putting our nation into disrepute, our efforts to rebrand the nation will forever remain a mirage.
Eddy Uwoghiren.
Department of Medicine,
University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH),
Benin City, Nigeria.
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