'I Regret Being A Medical Doctor'

It was fashionable while I was growing up to see parents choose the  career path of their children and wards. You’re not going to “amount to  anything” if you’re seen reading a single honours course in the  university. Parents boast about their children reading medicine,  engineering and law; you’ll be forgiven as a young student if you think  the university is all about these courses.

But over time, things started changing when business administration  and related courses started taking the front burner buoyed by the  emergence of “wonder banks” and other fast means of making money.  Suddenly values that we hold dear started eroding as “making money”  became the norm. Nobody cares anymore how the money was made, all that  matters is that you are rich.

That was the beginning of the ‘demystification’ of medicine,  engineering and law. Why bother spending years in the university when  you’re not sure of what the future hold became pronounced. People  started questioning whether reading these courses was worth all the  troubles after all.

Last week I met a young medical doctor who expressed regrets for  studying medicine and qualifying as a doctor. “If I had a singing talent  like Dr. Sid I would have jettisoned my stethoscope for the music  scene,” he said to my surprise. For the records, Sidney Onoriode Esiri,  who goes by the stage name, Dr. Sid is a Nigerian singer, songwriter and  dentist.

We discussed at length for more than an hour because this came as a  shock to me especially as I have always held doctors in very high regard  and would have loved to be one had I been a science student. This is  because my lifestyle, comportment, deep reading culture and discipline  correlate with what makes a good doctor.

As I struggled to encourage this young doctor that he has nothing to  regret, my mind went back almost fifteen years ago to a discussion I had  with a doctor friend while I was still in the university. This doctor  also expressed regrets at the poor human resources planning and  structures, unsatisfactory working conditions, poor remuneration, and  few professional development opportunities back then. I am made to  understand that this is even worse today.

When he saw the “progress” his colleagues who read Economics and  Business Administration were making during the banking “boom” of the  Abacha era, he told me he was in “the wrong profession.” In my young  mind then, I remembered telling him that all that was happening was a  bubble that will burst someday. And true to my prediction, the bubble  did burst and my older friend said I should consider calling myself a  prophet!
During that period, 19 banks collapsed leading to the Failed Banks  Decree promulgated by late General Sani Abacha which was decreed into  law to teach Nigerian bankers who mess with depositors fund a lesson.  Unfortunately, there were other bank failures later before the sanity we  are now witnessing. When I related all these, the young man felt a bit  relieved, especially as I pointed out that even the present day society  does not see the doctor as “relevant” as they were up to the 90s.

After much probing, I discovered that he truly love the profession  even though the stress associated with it is not commensurate with the  financial rewards. “As a medical doctor, it’s an endless journey of  reading and personal development. There are new discoveries almost on a  daily basis and if you do not keep track you’ll be left behind. Keeping  track means you have to prepare and pass your professional examinations  otherwise there’ll be no room for advancement,” he told me, “but one of  my major problems is the way the society treats doctors.”

I agreed with him. If you doubt that take a look around and see how  the society is now obsessed with “celebrities” of various hues and  shapes; some are even instant celebrities because they participate in a  show or event or feature in a movie. The society doesn’t even bother if  an individual is an illiterate moneybag, corrupt public official or a  person of dubious character. It is no longer a secret that this has been  taken notches further when such individuals are awarded honorary  doctorate degrees by our universities. These are the “doctors” our  society recognises and adore!

One stark reality about contemporary Nigeria is the dearth of  reliable statistics for research and planning; this reality permeates  almost every facet of our national life. Take the doctor patient ratio  for instance. Nigeria, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO)  currently posts a poor doctor-patient ratio of 1:3500 as against the  standard of 1:600. It also said the entire medical schools graduate  between 3,500 and 4,000 new doctors annually. Another statistics has  1:6500 doctor-patient ratios.

One would expect a call to action irrespective of which ratio is used  because we have a dare situation in our hands, but that does not seem  to be an issue here like in other things. It is the Ebola issue that  seems to shake us out of our lethargy. The doctors showed their  magnanimity by suspending their strike. I think this period should  provide the opportunity for the government and the society to seriously  look into some of the issues the doctors tabled before their strike  action.

Delivering a lecture titled “Medical Education in Nigeria: The Quest  for World Standards and Local relevance,” held at Lagos University  Teaching Hospital (LUTH) in 2012, the Minister of Health, Professor  Onyebuchi Chukwu said only 5 percent of applicants gained admission to  read medicine. Of these, 2,701 trained in Nigeria left the country to  other countries to work in the last four years prior to 2012.
It is amazing that with this exodus of our doctors we don’t seem to  get it. Dr. Amayo Adadavoh and other doctors who have remained and have  now died as a result of Ebola are professionals who have spent years in  training. The late Dr. Adadavoh was a consultant, and do we really know  what it takes for a doctor to become a consultant? We have lost, and may  still lose some of our finest professionals because of the way we treat  them.
It is not rocket science to understand why some of them are leaving  as the working conditions is getting worse, thereby making other  countries more attractive. Some of our doctors are presently working in  the US, Britain, South Africa, Ireland, Saudi Arabia, United Arab  Emirates, Trinidad and Tobago and other neigbouring African countries  that treat their medical personnel better.

Whenever I encounter medical practitioners and I see the evident lack  of rewards for people who save lives, I always feel pained. To compound  issues, whenever they demand what should ordinarily be their  entitlement after spending years in medical school and a longer period  preparing for other professional examinations, society is quick to  condemn and remind them of their obligation to the same society that has  scant regards for their own plights.
Recollect that prior to the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA)  suspending its strike, there appears to be nothing, either from the  people in government or those of us outside, to show that we appreciate  the fact that lives of ordinary Nigerians are already hanging in the  balance as a result of the strike by doctors working in public health  institutions across the country. But does it matter in a system so  perverted that public officials now make it a culture that they are  travelling abroad for simple medical check-up that can be done in  Nigeria?

My advice to young Nigerian students who have the love of the  profession at heart is this: Go ahead and read medicine in the  university because it will always remain a noble and dignified  profession. You should not look up to society or the government for your  fulfillment; just follow the conviction of your heart. Everything about  life cannot be viewed from the narrow prism of money. There are still  things money can never buy, and being a qualified medical doctor is one  of such.

Agbo Agbo,

Mr Agbo is a Public Relations Consult. He anchors PUSHING OUT column of Thursdays edition of The NATION NEWSPAPER - Nigeria.
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About Unknown

Eddy Uwoghiren is a Medical Student at the University of Benin, Benin city, Nigeria. He is a contributor to several prints and web media. He freelances with nine newspapers in Nigeria. Eddy is very passionate about medical journalism. He wants to find out why some communities are more healthy than others, develop skills needed to cover health and medicine anywhere in the world, for any audience , in any medium.
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